The AI Future Show with Professor Andy Pardoe
The Future of Artificial Intelligence discussions with Professor Andy Pardoe and very special guests across the field, from AI research to AI practice and delivery. We will discuss AI, robotics, science & emerging technologies, together with an in-depth look at how humanity will evolve over the coming years to best take advantage of AI based technologies. Topics will span Science, Technology, Business, Innovation, Startups, Careers and much more. Every episode is packed with insights, knowledge and debate about the Future of Artificial Intelligence. Join me on this amazing journey into the unknown, as we enter a unique point in our history, where humans have built machines that can solve problems better than us.
The AI Future Show with Professor Andy Pardoe
Facial Recognition Technology - Introduction (S1 E6)
Professor Andy Pardoe
Season 1
Episode 6
An Introduction to Video Analytics and Facial Recognition Technology, a balanced discussion on some of the opportunities and challenges. Highlighting the data privacy concerns as well as the ethical considerations. Data Bias and Decision Transparency are key challenges, but is the answer to solve these problems with the training data, the diversity of the data science teams building the systems or somewhere else. Listen to this episode to find out. The blog on which this podcast is based is available here - For more information visit Pardoe.AI/Show.